Thursday 16 November 2017

Case Study

The newspaper on the right is the daily mail which is a capitalist paper, this means that they are for the queen, therefore not being part of the scandal as she is the monarch and they like the idea of having a higher archy, which means that they would not want her to be shamed. However. this is the opposite of the guardian which is a socialist paper. Their aim will be to make the queen look like she only cares about herself and they will be saying that if she did know about the money that it could have gone to the NHS or could have gone to the poor. Nobody knows exactly what the queen was doing and they don't know if she was part of it or not. They are both contrasting each other because the daily mail is saying she is the victim and the guardian is saying she is the problem. This is a very controversial problem that starts a lot of arguments between politicians and members of the public. This is because she is widely regarded as being a national treasure and people don't want to believe that their leader would be doing this and for the people that don't like her would be able to us this as ammo to prove that they don't want capitalism.

Media Audience

The use of language confirms the readers viewpoints of the story because the newspaper is for the capitalist opinions that don't want their leader dragged into this. This is why they are making her sound like the victim, which would mean she would have been apart of this scandal because they respect her a lot.

Media Representation 

This article is significant for understanding reader appeal because it is showing that women can be successful from a young age and not just men. It is trying to show gender equality and just because someone is a female doesn't mean that they can't make a
s much money, or do as well as men. Also the doctor that is encouraging the diet plan is a female whereas her assistant is a male, this is counter stereotypical. The fact that the paper is enforcing women to diet, shows stereotype as it is the stereotypical view of a women to be slim, also saying 'party dress' shows the sexuality of the women referring to a 'dress' and what the appearance 'should' be like.

Media Language

The masthead- The Daily Mail
The headline- Queen dragged into £10M offshore tax news.
Articles- At the bottom of the page it features parts of the main article, this makes the reader want to read on if they start reading it.
Image- School girl
Poppy- Respect, Remembrance Sunday.
Feature of another article with page numbers.

Media Industries

The political ideology of the newspaper is made clear as the queen is made to look like the victim "dragged" this is because The Daily Mail is a left wing paper. On the other hand The Guardian is a right wing paper as they want the queen to look like a dictator.

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